So I totally meant to write a post last night before hitting the hay, but I 1) had too much wine and 2)got distracted by a pair of boots on DSW's website, thanks to the Fitnessista. :)
Here's the culprit: a yummy glass of moscato that turned into 2 glasses, then 3...I am such a lightweight that being in the same room as alcohol gives me a buzz, so you can imagine how I was after 3 glasses of this yummy stuff...
For dinner we had chicken adobo, the unofficial dish of the Philippines...Babydaddy makes a mean adobo. :)
Served over rice, the combo is heavenly....definitely one of my favorite comfort foods. :)
The rest of the night was busy trying to keep the boys up an hour past their bedtime, in anticipation of the time change this weekend. We cut their hair and let them run around the house in their diaper/underwear. :) Fun times at the Phillips Ohana. :o)
Tonight is TRICK-OR-TREAT time!!! We're especially excited because we are taking both boys out for the first time...Noah's never gone trick-or-treating door-to-door; last year he was too "scared" (silly boy) and the previous years we just passed out candy. This year we're loading 'em up in their wagon and heading out...should be lots of fun!
Alrighty folks...enjoy your Saturday. It should be a rather leisurely one for us; it looks like rain right now. :p
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