Friday, October 30, 2009

Pumpkin Time!

Happy Friday, ya'll! I thought this week went by pretty quickly, don't you? I am glad because I can definitely use some sleepy time in the morning...this waking up before the birds business is for the BIRDS! :) I woke up needing some extra oomph this morning, but didn't have my normal cup of joe...I held out and made a Starbucks run with the hubby for my lovely pumpkin spice latte and a pumpkin muffin!! Oh so delish...

Here it is again, in all its pumpkiny glory...
After our Starbucks run we made a cameo at Noah's Fall Festival. His school had it yesterday too for all the Tu/Th students and since I didn't have anyone with me to help me with Kbobzilla, I decided to go today with Babydaddy. Today it was held indoors because it is just so HUMID right now on the Panhandle, which was just as well since there are typically less students on Fridays.
Here's good ol' Kbobzilla, just itching to wreck havoc... :)
Noah on the hayride...
Pickin' a pumpkin at the "pumpkin patch."This picture just sums up Noah: goofy. :o)
All 3 boys are napping right now while Mommy enjoys her quiet time...enjoy your Friday everyone!