Friday, October 2, 2009

Movie night with my Babydaddy!

Hey folks! Hope everyone's Friday is going superfantastic-ly. :) Mine's going well...after taking Noah to school this morning, Caleb and I made our stop at the gym and today he was NOT feeling the gym's Kid Kare. :( I ended up only working out for 32 minutes before the gym peeps came and got me. I was shooting for 40 minutes of cardio, so I didn't do too shabby. I did 20 minutes on the treadmill: walking at a 2% incline and 12 minutes on the elliptical; I wanted to do 20, but Caleb had other plans. :/ All together I burned 257 calories.

Babydaddy came home early enough from work that he got to come with us to get Noah from school. Afterwards we stopped by the mall so I could look at the book The New Rules of Lifting for Women. I decided against buying it because it contained too much of what I've already seen in the books that I own. I think I'm just going to tweak the Body for Life workout and tailor it to my needs at the moment.

We spent the rest of the afternoon lounging on the couch in front of the TV...and it felt wonderful. Nothing like just lounging.

Dinner was thrown together at the last minute. We decided on some turkey burgers...
We used our Bella Kitchen griddle... ...and put it on a whole wheat tortilla with greens, provolone and a little mayo...
...wrapped it up, and voila! Dinner. :) It was quite good, I might add.

We also had a bit of watermelon...
It was light and refreshing.
After the kiddos go to bed for the night, BD and I are collapsing in our freshly sheeted bed (nothing beats fresh sheets!) and watching one of the many movies my FIL gave us. :) So nice to know that I don't have to wake up to a 5:30 alarm.
Ok guys...signing off for tonight...