I don't think I've been so happy to see the weekend! I'm not sure if its because I'm coming off of a vacation, or because Aunt Flo reared her ugly head, or the fact that this week's schedule has been so busy, but whatever the case, I feel like I have been hit by a mack truck! I am 100,000% welcoming the weekend AND the coffee this morning. :)
Anyway, before I move on...who else is loving fall?! Florida is usually the last state in the country to feel any cooler weather but the past week has been gorgeous! Its been about 65 degrees at wakeup, 70 degrees when we leave the house, and we hit 80 degrees at the warmest time of the day. Its just been soooooo nice! I have to chuckle at myself though when I'm dressing the kids in jeans and long-sleeved shirts because its "chilly." I know I have been in Florida too long when I consider 70 degrees chilly. :)
Some other things I love about fall: the colors and pumpkins. :) I loved the display Publix had going earlier this week...
...and who forget pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks?! That just screeeeeeams fall. :) On a sidenote: I did end up finding the International Delight pumpkin spice coffee creamer at Food World and bought all they had. Yes, its that good!Anyhow, for breakfast this morning, I took inspiration from the blogs that I'm following and had almond butter and 1/2 a banana on a whole wheat tortilla. Can we say YUM?! It was definitely what I needed this morning!
14 years ago
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