Monday, October 19, 2009

A Day in the Life of my Monday morning...

Good Monday morning people. :) Hope everyone's is going well thus far. Mine started bright and early at 5:19 (I set my alarm for 5:30AM but HATE to have the alarm wake me so I usually try to get up before it goes off) with my usual potty break and Blackberry FB/Twitter/email sesh. Yes, now you have a visual of me sitting on the potty checking out my Blackberry. :) After my early morning to-dos (lol), I got in the shower to get ready for my day.

This morning I was craving chocolate, so what better breakfast than Reeses Pieces cereal?! LOL...I didn't say I was going to be having a healthy breakfast this AM...

I also had my yummy homemade pumpkin spice coffee as I packed Noah's lunch for school. :)
After breakfast and a little playtime, we were off to Pensacola for's a pic of the kiddos in the parking lot of the preschool. All nice and bundled up this AM! :)

We dropped Noah off without incident and made our way back to gym for me today because Caleb has a cough and a runny nose. I swear, will these kids EVER get back to 100%?! :p
I played with my camera on the drive I am sportin' the new shades... ;)
By 9am, it was only 52 degrees...its usually 85 degrees! So we Floridians were shivering our tukuses off.
The main road outside of our neighborhood. 9:30AM and its dead...isn't it usually rushhour at this time???The road leading up to our house...
And K-Bob...who spends all week in his carseat, taking Noah to and from school everyday.
Caleb's napping right now, but if he wakes up in time, we may just try to go to the park before we get Noah...and after I get my $2 pumpkin spice latte. :) Til next time...