Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009 Re-Cap

I finally have the time to sit and do a re-cap of Christmas for you all! I love days where there is nothing planned...right now the entire family is still in pajamas waiting for some homemade brownies to cool. Perfect opportunity to blog. :o)

This Christmas we were blessed to have the entire Phillips brood over at our place (with the exception of JMP who had to work...responsibilities!): The Phillips' from VA and The Phillips-Ray's from MS. It was a full house and lots of fun. :)

On Christmas Eve, Noah put out some cookies and chocolate milk for the door because he was afraid Santa wouldn't be able to get in the house via the fireplace. The hearth is where we house all of the boys' toys and they're in baskets blocking the opening to the chimney. :p
These are the presents that Santa left by the door for the boys...

Here's Noah on Christmas morning looking for his name on the presents...
Noah opening up Santa's gifts first...
Now its Caleb's turn...
Noah was quite excited by all the presents... :)
Happy with his new Cars set...
Caleb loved opening up presents...he didn't really care what was under all the wrapping. :)
After literally HOURS of opening up's a picture of the aftermath. :p I had a mini-anxiety attack looking at my living room. :p
My favorite gifts of the season were from my in-laws...FIL got us an HD media player. Once you download movies to your external hard drive, you can connect it to the media player and have all your movies at your fingertips. No more dealing with DVDs! The best part of the gift was that FIL had downloaded 200+ movies to our external hard drive so all we had to do is hook it up. Its awesome. :) We've already watched several movies using it.
My MIL has been listening to me for some time now saying how I needed a new coffeemaker. My current one is a Hamilton Beach Brew Station, which I love, but I've had it for almost 3 years and wanted one with a separate carafe. MIL got me a Hamilton Beach percolator. I love it because it brews quickly, stays hot until you unplug it (my other one automatically shut-off after 2 hrs) and is space-saving. :) I swear my coffee is more flavor-full too.
Christmas was magical for the boys and just so much fun as they get older. I love, love, LOVE the Christmas season! As much as I love it, though, I was happy to pack up all the decor and prep the house for a major purge fest...more on the purge fest to come. :)